Warhammer Fantasy and 40k Game Club in the Fort Walton Beach, Florida Area

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up – Inferno – 26 July 09

This week in the Inferno…

Tabke 1 - 40k

Dark Eldar vs Tyranids
2k points, Capture and Control, Spearhead
Dark Eldar: 1, Tyranids: 0


After six months of trying to steal Josh away from square basing he finally he broke down and picked up a beautiful Tyranid army. The goods arrived on Friday and today we put his new models to the test against my attempt at a crazy Dark Saim Hann list.

The game went south very quickly when we realized that I have a ridiculously fast shooty army that is completely capable of staying out of range for 5 turns and Josh ran virtually no shooting. This and a little disagreement over Lash Whips being cumulative or not (The Tyranid FAQ clears it up) made the game a little discouraging. I hope that we see quite a bit more of these crazy bugs in the future as the Inferno rages on.

We had a newcomer visit the Inferno today, thanks go out to Davis for stopping by to roll some Space Marine dice and kick some serious Chaos Space Marine ass. Larry made the lists so one sided that he just threw in the towel without finishing the game.

Harry threatens to give up on his Dark Angels altogether, for straight Space Marines, we shall see.

Special thanks to Josh for bringing over the large selection of exotic imported beer. Some old favorites (Tsing Tao, Sapporo) mixed in with some new Belgian nasties that where promptly dumped down the sink after I cleverly suckered everyone into taking an awful sip.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up - Inferno - 19 July 09

This week in The Inferno…

Eldar vs Dark Angels
2,000 points, Annihilation, Pitched Battle
Eldar: 4, Dark Angels: 3

This was Harry’s first time with his Dark Angels and I wanted to mess around with Reserves and Outflanking (two things I have never actually attempted before). Both of us had miserable rolls, accomplished nothing, and learned virtually nothing.

Vampire Counts vs Ogre Kingdom
3,000 points

The score was very comparable, in the 1500’s for both sides until standards and table corners where figured in giving the Vampire Counts the lean to the higher side of a draw.