Warhammer Fantasy and 40k Game Club in the Fort Walton Beach, Florida Area

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up - Inferno - 23 Aug 09

This week in The Inferno…

Vacations time has devastated the weekly meet, leaving Harry and I to our own devices for a lazy weekend.

The Dark Angels have picked up a menacing looking Venerable Dreadnought and my Eldar have added the last few Phoenix Lords to my collection.

Primping, Prodding, and Painting we prepare to head down to the local game store for some Apocalypse this upcoming Sunday.

3k - Apocalypse/Reload
Anything goes!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Weekly Wrap Up - Inferno - 9 August 09

This week in the Inferno...

Table 1 - 40K

Altansar vs Raven Wing
3.5k points,
Eldar: 2, Raven Wing: 2


We decided to roll a d6 to pick one of the 6 Ard Boyz missions and ended up with Crushin' It!

Capture and control the central objective while securing as much of the rest of the board as you can.

Some mistakes where made on both sides; the most egregious by myself who thought if I moved flat out I could still disembark and shoot. Wouldn't that make Dire Avengers and Fire Dragons better! So I apologize for this but at the same rate I missed shooting my EML at the Landraider the entire game by not realizing I could glance on a 6. I tried too many new units at the same time but still ended with a straight tie. Usually when games finish with a tie you can clearly see if another turn happened this or this might go down. We could have went two more turns and still end with a tie. 3.5k outside apoc is a redonculous amount of points and that many vehicles just sucked to play against.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Weekly Wrap Up - Inferno - 2 August 09

This week in the Inferno...

Table 1 - 40K

Dark Saim Hann vs Raven Wing
2k points, Seize Ground , Dawn of War
Dark Eldar: 1, Raven Wing: 1, Mutualy Contested: 1


-Dark Eldar - 3 bike units (6 Haemonculi with Destros!), 3 Raiders, Scourges
-Raven Wing - Max Terminators, full Assault Squadron, Snipers, Predator

A String of crazy bad rolls from Raven Wing left my AV10 vehicles alive for most of the game and only one touched by the end. A series of 1's on an entire Terminator unit saving throws caused a random dice to go flying across the room. How do you roll that many 1's in a row?

This was a learning game and quite a few random things where picked up.

>Dark Eldar Haywire Grenades are not as good as the updated Eldar Haywire versions (dreads).
>The Assault Squadron does not function as a single unit.
>don't forget Combat Drugs!
>Trophy Racks and Screaming Jets are garbage