This week in the Inferno...
Table 1 - 40K
Altansar vs Raven Wing
3.5k points,
Eldar: 2, Raven Wing: 2
We decided to roll a d6 to pick one of the 6 Ard Boyz missions and ended up with Crushin' It!
Capture and control the central objective while securing as much of the rest of the board as you can.
Some mistakes where made on both sides; the most egregious by myself who thought if I moved flat out I could still disembark and shoot. Wouldn't that make Dire Avengers and Fire Dragons better! So I apologize for this but at the same rate I missed shooting my EML at the Landraider the entire game by not realizing I could glance on a 6. I tried too many new units at the same time but still ended with a straight tie. Usually when games finish with a tie you can clearly see if another turn happened this or this might go down. We could have went two more turns and still end with a tie. 3.5k outside apoc is a redonculous amount of points and that many vehicles just sucked to play against.
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